New Overwatch 2 Hero Sojourn Has Been in Development for Years
Overwatch fans are excited about Sojourn being unveiled as the first new hero for Overwatch 2.
But Sojourn was in development long before Overwatch was even released in 2016. Still, this Blizzcon 2019 announcement is what many players have been waiting to hear.
Back in April 2019, during his Developer Update, Jeff Kaplan said,
“I think Sojourn—we started development on her in, I wanna say, 2015. It might have even been [in] 2014. Some heroes are new-ish—like Orisa was very new when we sort of released her and came up with her.”
We’re curious as to what Sojourn’s background is. What we do know is that she is an Overwatch hero, listed among those Winston reached out to during Recall. She was the Overwatch team leader leading the strike team during the Storm Rising event. We’ve also learned that she is Canadian, which would further explain the new Toronto map for Overwatch 2.
Photo of Winston and Overwatch Team, including Sojourn, lower right. Blizzard Entertainment
We aren’t sure about her weapons kit. She looks to have been cybernetically enhanced, like McCree and Doomfist. Her weapon looks similar to Zarya’s but she Sojourn looks to be a damage dealer, her weapon looking to work similarly to Soldier 76’s.
In addition to Sojourn, Echo was confirmed as another, new playable hero, but no details on the Omnic. There’s still speculation on upcoming heroes in addition to Sojourn and Echo. Sojourn will be released first, as the Toronto map will be the first new map.
Who else do you think will become an Overwatch hero or Talon operative?